16 Dec 2015
December 16, 2015

Ground gas precautions

It has always been required that buildings are designed and constructed to provide a safe structure.  Many years ago, issues of ground gas hazards were left entirely to the judgement of the design team and, where considered necessary, were addressed using basic engineering principles (influenced by the mining industry and associated ground gas experience).   In.. read more →

Construction operations can produce significant volumes of soil arisings and wastes that, on occasion, cannot be included in the site development and can, as a result, incur large disposal costs. Under waste legislation, waste producers have a duty of care to ensure that waste is properly classified and disposed of. Waste advice is one of.. read more →

16 Dec 2015
December 16, 2015

Staff news

The last 18 months or so have been extremely busy in the construction industry and, as ever, we are committed to ensuring that we have the necessary staff and resources in place to fulfil our Clients’ requirements Crossfield Consulting has recently welcomed four new additions to its staff. Tom Warley and Saskia Richards both joined.. read more →

27 Jun 2013
June 27, 2013

There’s a Hole in My Ground!

Mining in Britain has taken place over many centuries and has left a legacy of poorly recorded surface and underground workings together with mineshafts and other features of marginal stability.  You may be surprised just how much of the country is affected by past mining when consideration is given to past extraction of metals (tin,.. read more →

27 Jun 2013
June 27, 2013

Tales of the Unexpected

Crossfield Consulting was commissioned by a design and build contractor to undertake a ground investigation at a site in Old Wolverton, Milton Keynes as it is proposed to redevelop the site with a Refuse Waste Treatment Facility.  The site was formerly a cold-store warehouse/distribution centre but, at the time of the ground investigation, the site.. read more →

03 Jan 2013
January 3, 2013

A review of recent projects

Remediation supervision and verification, liaison with the Environment Agency on permitting issues. Investigation and advice for a supermarket development including a basement car park and design of retaining walls. Investigation and advice for several major rail developments including Thameslink and Crossrail. Remediation verification for construction of an underground pumping station on a landfill adjoining rivers… read more →

26 Dec 2012
December 26, 2012

Good luck to Derek Mann on his retirement

As more of our Clients are aware, Derek Mann retired at the end of September.  We could not let such a momentous event pass without some commemoration.  So in the last weekend of September, all members of staff and their partners celebrated Derek’s distinguished career in geotechnical engineering and his significant contribution to Crossfield at.. read more →